Life down on Setters Farm, over the summer has whizzed by. We’ve had weddings (my talented friend Will Rochfort married his lovely wife Fi), pumpkin growing was popular and various other activities. The team of artists seems to be multiplying, Jo Vane, a local jewellery artists has recently joined us in the workshops and there just seems to be more artistic flare in situe than you can shake a stick at!
I’ve had a productive and challenging year so far, keeping myself busy with creating stainless steel sculptures of lions, pelicans, cheetahs, sharks and oh yeh, space ships……
Growing up as a boy, Star Wars was always one of my favorite movies. When the opportunity arose to create something from that movie, all guys from Setters Farm jumped at the chance. I decided I wanted to make something similar to the ‘X Wing’. To those of you who are not familiar with Star Wars, ‘Luke Skywalker’ is famous for destroying the ‘Death Star’ behind the controls of an ‘X-wing’. I know, exciting stuff – so far, its seems to be a winner! If you want to know what the other guys created, you’ll need to come down to Setters farm and see for yourselves.
Another very cool project I’ve been involved in this year, is FREE ART FRIDAY. Inspired by a gent I saw on the One Show. I decided I wanted to get involved too, so, on the last Friday of every month, I’ve been hiding a small piece of my work around various locations in Lymington. I post information on my Facebook page and hope everyone enjoys the search ….!! It’s been great to see so many people getting involved and going on the hunt for my work. Not only is it fun, it’s really flattering that people would actually want to physically go out and about searching for it! I am so lucky to have a job I love so much.
Photography by the very talented Carrie Bugg Photography