The New Forest Poppy hunt has come around so quickly this year! Once again, I can’t wait to hide the poppies around the New Forest, for all you lovely people to find them. This year’s poppies are a little different from past years. I’ve acquired some original WW1 & 2 military buttons. To commemorate as many of the battalions as I can, I have set a number of different buttons into the center of the poppies. I’m pleased to say, they look beautiful.
If you have only just discovered the poppy hunt, here are a few tips on how you can get involved. First of all, follow me on my Instagram or Facebook page. Due to me posting everything on Instagram, it does sometimes take a minute or 2 to upload onto Facebook, so you are at an advantage if you follow me on Instagram. Generally speaking, I hide the poppies South of the New Forest. Past years have included Milford on sea, Lymington, Burley, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, etc.
The Poppy Hunt – Saturday 11th November 2023
7 a.m. (ish) I will post the first clue of where I have hidden the poppy. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can sit at home with a nice cuppa and wait for the clues because there will be people waiting in cars/bikes, ready to be the first to get that poppy….. and maybe take a powerpack for your phone for the day 😉
Whoever finds that poppy will need to do the following
- As soon as you can, post a picture of yourself with said poppy onto my Facebook page or Instagram to show everyone it has been found, so as to let others know.
- Donate to my Just Giving page for the Royal British Legion
I will keep posting clues almost every hour throughout the day until all the poppies have been found.
I ask everyone to be considerate of driving or otherwise. Please do not speed, especially in the Forest where animals could be hidden around the corner.

For those who don’t live in the area, or can’t do the Poppy Hunt, or just have not been lucky enough to find one this year, I have another 11 to Auction off. The 11 highest Bids will win. All proceeds will go to the Royal British Legion. I have a lot of people asking if I sell the poppies. I’m afraid I do not sell them, these are the only 2 ways that you can get the poppies, to find one on the hunt or to be one of the highest bidders in the Auction.
To bid on one of these poppies, please email me at You can give me your highest bid, and I will add you to the list. Entries for bids will close at 8 p.m. on 11th November 2023. All successful bids will be able to donate to my Just Giving Page I will inform all those lucky enough to have won in the auction by Sunday 12th November.
I hope everyone can get involved in some way. It’s such an important, and very emotional day for me. We need to remember all the incredible people and animals who have fought for our country.
Every year I’m blown away by people’s generosity. If we can raise a little more than last year, that would be just amazing. We will never forget.